Sunday, September 6, 2009

Cowboy in the White House

It is a slight understatement to say that I do not support Democrat policies but what we are seeing now days is beyond anything many of us could have ever imagined. I've said it before and I'll say it again, it is a great thing that the country has gotten to a point that we are happily willing to elect a minority president. That is fine, I just wish it wasn't this minority.

Barack Obama is beyond Democrat, way beyond, the things he is proposing to do, not to mention what he has already done goes way, way beyond being a liberal Democrat this is flat out hard core socialism. Just to make sure I was using the right word I looked it up in the dictionary and this is the definition I found "Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy." Does this not sound like our current president? This guy is so far out in left field that he makes John F. Kennedy and Harry S. Truman look like conservatives!!

I know we shouldn't look back into the past, we should look forward to the next great conservative leader to emerge, but I have to admit, watching Obama makes me long for the good old days.

The man I'm talking about was described by liberals as a clueless, idiot cowboy governor from out west. No, It is not George W. Bush. I liked most of Bush's policies but the man I'm referring to is Ronald Wilson Reagan.

Reagan represented everything that was great about America and he swore to defend that way of life. It is no coincidence that "cowboy philosophy" and conservatism are so similar. I have included a copy of Gene Autry's Cowboy Code below and I am going to compare that simple code used to teach children to our conservative values.

1. The Cowboy must never shoot first, hit a smaller man, or take unfair advantage.

Conservatives are not imperialists, we defend our friends and our national interests.
Conservatives believe in protecting life from conception to natural death.
Conservatives have always been at the forefront of civil rights, we just don't get any credit for it. Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves, Dwight Eisenhower desegregated schools, and Republicans in congress passed the civil rights amendment through the house and Senate. LBJ even admitted it would have never passed without Republican support. Democrats like Robert Byrd (still serving) and Al Gore Sr. voted against it.

2. He must never go back on his word, or a trust confided in him.

Truthfully there is plenty of blame on both sides of the isle on this one but true conservatives like Reagan honored their word and pledged to make this country better for all citizens.

3.He must always tell the truth.

Once again this is similar to the previous one but the fact is the same a real conservative believes in honesty and integrity. I have no use for Republicans that cheat and lie for their own power and personal pleasures.

4.He must be gentle with children, the elderly, and animals.

Conservatives believe in traditional families and family values, we oppose abortion and euthanasia. Most conservatives also happen to be farmers, ranchers, hunters, and fishermen. They are the real environmentalists not these nuts at PETA and the Earth Liberation Front.

5.He must not advocate or possess racially or religiously intolerant ideas.

I mentioned Abe Lincoln before, the Republican party was founded as an opposition party to slavery. Our founding fathers founded this country on Christian ideas and principles but the beautiful thing about it is we welcome anyone in this country to worship how they please or not to worship at all. We just hate it when they try to take that same right away from us Christians.

6.He must help people in distress.

This is who we are, we are people helping people, this is a basic tenement of Christianity, feed the poor, cloth the naked. We just don't believe in huge bureaucratic gaggles wasting money and keeping people perpetually poor.

7.He must be a good worker.

This is similar to number six. We want people to work and contribute to society, then they can get ahead in life and have more than they ever dreamed of, certainly more than a welfare check would ever provide. Ben Franklin once said "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime."

8.He must keep himself clean in thought, speech, action, and personal habits.

This is so basic to living a full happy life. I really can't expand on this one, this is basic conservatism. It is living this way that makes you and the world better.

9.He must respect women, parents, and his nation's laws.

Liberals like to corner the market on women but women's lib went from a good idea to a bunch of man-hating nuts. As Christians and conservatives we are taught from a young age that women are to be put on pedestals. They are the caretakers of the family and the world. I heard someone say one time that it was really women who tamed the wild west. They are the ones who made homes, established churches, libraries and brought some class and culture. If it was left up to us men we would have just kept on getting drunk and shooting each other! Conservatives are also the voice of reason on law and order. We are a nation of laws and that is what protects the rights of all people.

10.The Cowboy is a patriot.

Quick, name me a ultra-liberal war hero. Of course you don't have to be a war hero to love this country but when you think of names like George Washington, Alvin York, Audie Murphy, George Patton, Bob Hope, Francis Scott Key, Betsy Ross, Abraham Lincoln, Charlie Daniels, Irving Berlin, Benjamin Franklin, Martin Luther King, Jon Voight, Rudy Giuliani, Jimmy Stewart and John Wayne you don't really associate them with or the ACLU.

Cowboys and conservatives go hand in hand and no one epitomised that better on a national political level than Ronald Reagan. He dreamed of a shining city on a hill, right now Obama is making us turn out those lights because of global warming and other crack-pot ideas.

God and Texas,
Jason Watson

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